Bright Press News

Spring 2024 - Workshops
Just a little update here. We have workshops coming up: - Zine Workshop for Young People (9-16) with Marijke McDonald, Friday 27th September - Lego Letterpress for Young People (7-12),...
Spring 2024 - Workshops
Just a little update here. We have workshops coming up: - Zine Workshop for Young People (9-16) with Marijke McDonald, Friday 27th September - Lego Letterpress for Young People (7-12),...

Retrospective of Sorts Exhibition 8-23 June
"Retrospective of Sorts", an exhibition showcasing artwork by past TAFE artists in residence. The exhibition will be on display from 8th to 23rd June 2024.
Retrospective of Sorts Exhibition 8-23 June
"Retrospective of Sorts", an exhibition showcasing artwork by past TAFE artists in residence. The exhibition will be on display from 8th to 23rd June 2024.

Western Australia Wayzgoose 2024
Western Australia Wayzgoose, our annual one-day celebration of letterpress and printmaking is happening on Saturday 8th June. Everyone is welcome!
Western Australia Wayzgoose 2024
Western Australia Wayzgoose, our annual one-day celebration of letterpress and printmaking is happening on Saturday 8th June. Everyone is welcome!

Workshops - October 2023
Want to learn more about letterpress printing? Why not join one of our workshops this Spring!
Workshops - October 2023
Want to learn more about letterpress printing? Why not join one of our workshops this Spring!

Workshops & Events: 2023 April - July
Want to learn more about letterpress printing? Why not join one of our workshops! Here are our workshops and events for April to July. Lego Letterpress for Young People (7-12) April - Thurs...
Workshops & Events: 2023 April - July
Want to learn more about letterpress printing? Why not join one of our workshops! Here are our workshops and events for April to July. Lego Letterpress for Young People (7-12) April - Thurs...

Western Australia Wayzgoose 2023
A fun, one-day meet up of letterpress printers, printmakers, typographers, graphic designers, book artists, or people who just want to try something new! The day includes demos, print workshops on vintage...
Western Australia Wayzgoose 2023
A fun, one-day meet up of letterpress printers, printmakers, typographers, graphic designers, book artists, or people who just want to try something new! The day includes demos, print workshops on vintage...